Saturday, October 13, 2007

At home and doing okay...

Well, yesterday was the worst day but everything went okay. Mark & I are doing alright. I don't know that we'll ever be the same again because something like this changes who you are but we're getting used to the situation, I suppose. During this procedure they gave me drugs through my I.V., for which I was grateful but it won't come as a shock to anyone who knows me that apparently (according to my nurse), I carried on a running commentary throughout the whole thing. I have no recollection of any of it but apparently I talked about Christmas and burst out in hysterical laughter when my doctor mentioned that she had a grandson. I guess I laughed out loud and told her she was definitely not old enough to have a grandbaby and then I just stopped laughing and conked out. What a crack up. I told the nurse later that I don't have much of a filter anyway, let alone giving me drugs and wiping out the filter all together. They're lucky it wasn't worse than all that. I decided it was okay to laugh because that's the gift God has given me to heal.

Thanks to everyone for your emails, cards, phone calls, visits, flowers and words of encouragement. You'll never know how deeply you've touched us and how loved we feel.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I just can't even handle how SAD I've been for you over this miscarriage! I guess it brings up all of those feelings of losing my baby....and how that changes your life FOREVER!! I want you to know that you've been on my heart since this happened. I know how much you were looking forward to this baby. I'm really thankful that you have Bailey there to keep you smiling (those Halloween pics are enough to last you awhile in the laughter department!) It's AWESOME that you're able to laugh but's still ok to cry if you need to!
I love you more than I can tell you! Take good care of yourself.