Saturday, May 30, 2009

Two teeth!

Lewis got his second tooth today...the first one came in last Sunday. We had to lower his crib to the next notch last night (watch the video and you'll see why!). He's so strong and eager to keep up with Bailey!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Learning to hold his own!

You'd never guess by looking at Bailey and Lewis that they are 22 1/2 months apart in age. Some of the clothes they wear are the same size as each other. Lewis just turned 7 months last week but he's already learning what it takes to be the younger brother. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009


Daddy: Bailey, what do you want for lunch?
Bailey (2 1/2): Hmmm...(taps his chin with his finger)...TACO!
Daddy: You want a taco, Bailey?
Bailey: Yes, Daddy!

Daddy thinks to himself that starting a whole big batch of tacos from scratch all for Bailey (who probably won't eat it anyway), is not a good plan so he improvises. He cuts up a hot dog and throws it in a tortilla (quesadilla style) with some cheese and ketchup and serves it up for Bailey.

Bailey: Thank you, Daddy, for this delicious taco!

I am truly worried about my two-year-old having a massive vocabulary. In case there was any uncertainty about him outsmarting me by the age of 5...