Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Rednecks Strike Again...

Got another redneck game..."Jeff Foxworthy's You Might Be a Redneck If..." board game.

Mom, Mark & I played it tonight. Guess who lost? Mark. I told him there was nothin' but pride in losin' a game like this. The "object" of the game is to be the first to "collect" a flyswatter (a.k.a. a cast iron skillet, newspaper, etc), a "recliner" (a.k.a a lounging lawn chair), some beef jerky, a satellite dish, a hound and a t.v. (from the flea market) and make it back to your trailer. You do this by correctly identifying the "right" finish to a "you might be a redneck if..." statement. I was sort of excited at first because I thought it would be similar to Balderdash where you get to make up your own (trust me, I'm *great* at making crap up) but then I discovered that Jeff Foxworthy did all the hard work and gave you multiple choice options. Needless to say, when I got the question about what heaven looks like to a redneck, everyone knew the answer was Daytona Beach, FL. duh.

I ended up winning but my mama, she was hot on my tail. Oh, and as a result of a bad flip of a coin, we had to call Mark "Vern" the whole game. Poor Vern.


Everett_Tom said...

That's Freaking awesome (both that and the 5th grader thing in the previous post).

Another one you might like is Fluxx, which is a card game where the rules change as you play the cards.. my parents claim it's an Engineers game, but it's one of the few card games I like..

(P.S. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year).
- Thomas

Melanie said...

I've tried to comment a few times but it hasn't posted. Probably because I was crying, laughing and trying not to pee my pants when I read this!! Something is bound to mess up. Ahhh, if only I were a fly on the wall watching you play these two games...but then, of course, you'd probably hit me with your cast iron skillet!