Monday, December 24, 2007

Are YOU smarter than a 5th grader?

The Christmas festivities began at our house this morning with Mark, Grandma Faye and I playing the "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" board game. Here's how it went:

Mary (asking Faye a 4th grade science question): "Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity: silver, rubber or wood?" Oh man, this oughta be good.

Faye: "Well...I know that when you put a stick on an electric fence and then grab on to someone else, they get the jolt. And when you're in your car with rubber tires, lightning can't gitcha."

Mary (between peeing my pants and wiping away the tears): "Mom, this is for $300,000. If you don't know, you can drop out of school with $175,000."

Faye: "I'm saying wood."

Mary: "Um, no. It's silver. They don't make electric wires out of wood, do they?"

Faye: "Well, no but they make telephone poles out of wood."

Thanks, Mom for your wisdom.

Following that question, Mark got this 5th grade science question (which was pretty much child's play for him): What element is a diamond made out of? Mom perks up and says "OHH! I know it!" Mark promptly says "carbon". Mom goes "No, it's coal." Ahhhh, yes. Coal, one of the lesser known elements on the periodic table.

Oh man, this game is going to be fun.

Merry Christmas! :)


Anonymous said...

Is it any surprise where the family genious comes from? Genetics, hard to overcome! Darn fifth grade, worst 3 yrs of my life!

Melanie said...

Seriously, Faye spent way too much time on the farm holding on to electric fences! I think something happened to her conductor!