Monday, August 13, 2007


Mary bought this Pooh cart, you know the type that is supposed to help kids learn to walk?

It has a bunch of buttons and an octave worth of a keyboard.

Anyways, Bailey hasn't done much with hitting buttons until today. He now slaps them with his hands and thoroughly enjoys making the sounds, to our great joy. :-)

We thoroughly enjoy having Bailey learn and develop so quickly. He really does try all the time to become more mobile and more capable by the day. He's also become quite a bit more vocal about how he feels, like today when he was actually cranky.

I know that some of you have heard that Bailey isn't cranky but for him he was. I needed to learn today how to readjust to a baby that could be fussy. How weird is that! :-)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

what? how did I ever miss that?