Sunday, November 23, 2008

New pictures

Since this is the only reason you're here, I'll be accommodating! :) Things are going well with Lewis...he thinks if he's awake, he should be eating. Every ounce he drinks goes straight to his cheeks! He's growing so fast-he's about the same size Bailey was at 3 months! They look quite a bit alike too but it's already clear they will have quite different personalities! Lewis likes to just sit back and observe while Bailey goes through life at 100 mph! Lewis also has a lightening quick temper while Bailey is much more laid back and kind of puts up with whatever. Bailey is still getting used to the baby...he likes the baby but he's definitely not too keen on the idea of someone else being the center of attention!
Lewis (4 weeks):

Bailey (5 weeks):

Smiling for the camera!

Checking on brother...

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