Bailey *loves* his tractors. And his airplanes. And his blocks. And his dog. I don't think I'll ever get used to how cute he is or cease to be surprised by how smart he is. He started saying "door" this week. What one-year-old says "door" before alot of other words? I caught him trying to blow his nose the other day. He thinks it's hilarious when people blow their nose and yet he scowls like crazy if you burp. I know, right? Mr. Manners!
Yesterday when we were watching the Giants kick some Patriot trash, Bailey was upstairs in the bathtub during the last 2 minutes (the most exciting part of the game, I might add!). He heard Mom and I downstairs yelling "Go! Go!" and he was trying to get out of the bathtub and was telling Daddy "Do! Do!" (he hasn't quite gotten the "g" sound yet...). He couldn't wait to get downstairs to see what Mommy and Grandma were yelling and carrying on about. What a sweet baby! And a born sports fan! Yahoo! :)