Friday, May 25, 2007

Apparently, I'm officially O-L-D

In short, the highlight of my week was the season finale of "Dancing With the Stars". Yep, that's right. I set the DVR to record the season finales of "24" and "Heroes" on Monday so that I could watch the stupid "Dancing with the Stars" finale part 1 and THEN, I DVRed (is that even a word??!) "American Idol" so I could watch the stupid finale part 2. GEEZ. I'm totally and completely blaming it on the fact that my mom lives here now and loves that show (as do all old people). Good LORD. What's my life coming to??!

But, just to make myself feel better, I'm going to share a new picture of Bailey 'cuz he's *so* gosh darn CUTE.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Until Bailey learns to talk and say funny things (it's my kid so God only knows what will come out of his mouth), we'll all have to suffice to be entertained by the crazy and hilarious things that my mom says.

This morning as I was preparing to leave for work, Mark was rocking Bailey trying to get him to go back to sleep (Bailey always wakes up happy, yaks at us for about an hour and then takes another nap-then he wakes up for real and eats...he's a little peculiar). I was trying to talk quietly to my mom, so as to not disturb Bailey, but the problem with Faye is that she's deaf as a doorknob. So I'm trying to whisper to her that there is a load of sheets that she can wash. She couldn't hear (I could tell by the blank look in her eye) so she follows me to the kitchen and says "WHAT??! I couldn't hear you!" I laughed and said "There is a load of sheets in the hallway! I thought you could read my lips so I wasn't talking loud." She goes "well, NO I couldn't read your lips, I don't have my glasses on!" :) Oh, Faye. What am I going to do with her?? What a hoot.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My First Mother's Day

Wow! You know, there are some things in life that you look forward to about being an adult and then when you finally get there, it's amazing...that's how I'm feeling about celebrating my first Mother's Day. I have the most amazing little boy who just makes my heart happy. I am so looking forward to a lifetime of Mother's Day celebrations with him. Okay, enough sappiness. Here's what I got for Mother's Day: a strainer (yep, a strainer), a ginormous picture frame from Bailey to put his picture in (that sounds like something my child would do..."here Mom! I bought you a beautiful picture frame so you can proudly display a HUGE picture of ME!"), and a really pretty necklace from my husband. I've taken to telling him what I expect of him so that he can feel good about knowing he got me something I wanted and that I'm not disappointed so he didn't miraculously read my mind and "just know" what I was expecting. I love my husband.

To all my friends reading this (that's you Mel, since I think you're the only one who reads my blog), Happy Mother's Day. Even if you're not a mom, you still have one. Call her. :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Bailey meets...

...RICE CEREAL for the first time...